Sunday, February 8, 2009

A day of First

Today Kooper had two first. His daddy bought him a swing for outside...He loved it! He also wore his first baseball cap.

Super Bowl Party - Kooper's First Super Bowl

Kooper spent his first Super Bowl at Uncle Kirkley and Aunt April's House! We had a great time and he helped Daddy play cards.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Kooper's 2 Month Check-up Stats

My how time flies. I can't believe we had our 2 month check-up today. Before we know it he will be walking and talking. He is growing like a weed and such a good baby. He has started sleeping through the night and giving his mommy so decent shut eye. He is such a happy baby and laughs and smiles all the time. Here are the stats:

Weight 12lbs 10 oz
Height 23 3/4"

He is in the 90th percent for height...go figure with me and Kendrick as parents and the 75th percent for weight.