Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Chillin at the Lake

Kooper took his first trip to the Lake on Sunday (4/26) with Andy and Rocco. He didn't miss a beat on the boat and went to sleep. Daddy and I are very happy he likes the lake as much as we do!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Starting Solid Food

Kooper started eating solid foods. Here is his first experience with sweet potatoes. He seems to enjoy them. He is not a big fan of rice cereal.

Easter 2009

Kooper and I spent Easter with my family. My dad was visiting from Virginia. We had a good time hunting eggs and spending time with grandparents and cousins. He seemed to get the hang of hunting eggs...or at least putting them in his mouth.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mommy and Kooper

Not the best photo of mommy (but they never are). People are starting to say he looks like me some now. He was his daddy made over when he was born.

Kooper 4 Months Stats

14 lbs 9 oz

25 inches long.